Organic – Reliable – Cost effective
Organic Soil Conditioner
Bevan McLeod is a Specialist in
Liquid Fertilizers, Soil Microbes, Zeolite, Soil Minerals,
Feed Supplements, Seed Distribution
Watch Video’s of Farming Using The Organic Soil Conditioner.
Here’s More Proof – Check It Out ….
The object of “environmental health and nutrition”
is to restore the health of our soil, and all that is
dependant on it, our primary industries, and ourselves.
Winter 2001 Southbrook, queensland 13/8 (planted 2/8) Triticale/Barley.
Above 2: triticale, fully treated soil. Above: neighbouring barley, planted same day, conventional.
Root development. 13/8
Above2: barley well developed secondary roots. Above: tricale struggling with primary roots.
Crop progress 17/9.
Above 2: barley Above: triticale, foliar treatment
Crop progress 17/9
Above: foliar and non-foliar treatments.
Crop progress 22/10
Above: No foliar treatment
Crop progress 22/10
Above: foliar treatment in foreground with untreated behind.
28/11 triticale.
Non foliar treated section.
Plants are carrying 3-5 heads, filling, but nutrition stress is showing in lowest leaves.
28/11 triticale.
Foliar treated section.
Plants are carrying up to 8 heads, no nutrition stress showing. season had been awful,
and the control barley had long since failed completely.
McLeod’s agriculture products can be tested.