Organic – Reliable – Cost effective

Organic Soil Conditioner
Bevan McLeod is a Specialist in
Liquid Fertilizers, Soil Microbes, Zeolite, Soil Minerals,
Feed Supplements, Seed Distribution

Watch Video’s of Farming Using The Organic Soil Conditioner.

Here’s More Proof – Check It Out ….

Organic-Crop-1The object of “environmental health and nutrition”
is to restore the health of our soil, and all that is
dependant on it, our primary industries, and ourselves.


Organic-Crop-2bWinter 2001 Southbrook, queensland 13/8 (planted 2/8) Triticale/Barley.
Above 2: triticale, fully treated soil. Above: neighbouring barley, planted same day, conventional.


Organic-Crop-3bRoot development. 13/8
Above2: barley well developed secondary roots. Above: tricale struggling with primary roots.


Organic-Crop-4bCrop progress 17/9.
Above 2: barley Above: triticale, foliar treatment

Organic-Crop-4cCrop progress 17/9
Above: foliar and non-foliar treatments.

Organic-Crop-5aCrop progress 22/10
Above: No foliar treatment


Organic-Crop-5cCrop progress 22/10
Above: foliar treatment in foreground with untreated behind.

Organic-Crop-628/11 triticale.
Non foliar treated section.
Plants are carrying 3-5 heads, filling, but nutrition stress is showing in lowest leaves.

Organic-Crop-728/11 triticale.
Foliar treated section.
Plants are carrying up to 8 heads, no nutrition stress showing. season had been awful,
and the control barley had long since failed completely.


McLeod’s agriculture products can be tested.